Hi there,
I see you've made it to my blog and my about me page. I'm honestly not that interesting. I'm eighteen and I recently finished high school (semptember 2013). I need something to occupy my time with so I thought I'd finally make a blog, other than tumblr. I would have loved to make a youtube account and upload regular videos but I love writing a lot more than filming. I like that I can ramble on for a long time and hope that you all will still read this, using a language more suitable than if I was talking. I sound nicer when I type.
Well, like I said, I'm eighteen and I don't really know where I'm going with my life. Finishing school has made me feel a little lost. I've spent the last couple of years in my room, on my computer, blogging away on Tumblr and watching YouTube videos. I never really thought the moment would come where I had to actually leave my room and start engaging in life activities.
To give you a rough idea on my persona, I'll list a few personality traits I notice in myself:
- I'm very bubbly once you get to know me.
- I can feel extremely sad.
- I am very sarcastic, it annoys a lot of people.
- I'll help anyone who needs help.
- I am quite stubborn when it comes to trying dangerous and scary things. I don't like coming out of my comfort zone.
- I can be extremely shy.
- I laugh at almost everything. I love laughing.
Those above are just a few things I think explain me in a nutshell.
I hope this blog can benefit you in some way and I hope you'll enjoy what I post. Please, feel free to message me on Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr for any suggestions on blog posts or any comments about my blog. Hey, even if you just want someone to chat to, I'm down!