March 03, 2015

Where I've Been | Feeling A Little Blue

*disclaimer: this post is on a more personal note. It does not contain any beauty, fashion or lifestyle. I will be back to posting my old stuff very soon*

This post isn't going to be like my others. It isn't going to relate to beauty or fashion or have any photos really. I guess you could say it's something a bit more personal and shows my love for writing. I love blogging. It may not seem like it right now, as I've been seriously lacking in uploads, but I really do. It's a place I can come to and write about all the things I love, like make up and clothing. But recently I hit a down point in my life where I just felt extremely unmotivated and uninspired and not just with blogging, but with life in general.

I try to be happy all the time, but sometimes I have my normal teenage moments where I just get really down on myself. In this time I lose a lot of interests in the things I love, like blogging and writing. I came on here tonight, realising that this should be my place to escape to whenever I am in that down point in life. I shouldn't be losing my love for blogging over what's happening in the real world. #teaminternet 

2015 was supposed to be my year. This year was the year I was going to think of myself and only myself. So far, it has been a complete flop. From family problems, to losing motivation in life, to fighting with friends, to stupid boys. I've had my fair share already. The things that have happened to me so far this year have affected me in a number of ways and somewhat made me a stronger person. Blogging was something I never thought I'd give up on but unfortunately I did, and I am forever regretting that.

I often hide a lot of my feelings, and don't tend to share much with people. This does cause me to have moments of sadness that last a while because a lot I bottle up just comes out of no where and causes me extreme pain. I wouldn't say it's anything serious, more just a small case of the blues. I think the main problem is that everything has kind of happened all at once. I've been having family problems since last year, but things really have blown up this year and has caused me to feel really down sometimes. I've been having boy problems too, (girls, you feel me here!?). Lately I'm also just really confused about what I want to do in life right now. Call me over dramatic but I feel like i'm having a quarter life crisis!

But that is all going to change!

I've decided I'm no longer going to care about anyone else. I've spent my whole life living to please others so this time, I'm going to spend the year thinking about myself and making myself happy. I'm not going to waste my time worrying about people who couldn't give a stuff about me. In saying this, it's time I get back into the things I love in life. Reading and writing will always be something I never want to leave my life, and I plan to really get back into blogging. 

Blogging is something I want to continue for the rest of my life. Hey, maybe I could make this my job you know? That would be wicked! For now though, this is going to be my happy place. I hope you guys can come along with me on this journey and help me pursue my goals and dreams in life of being a Journalist. 

I'm sorry that this post isn't like any of my others, and that it is a bit more on the personal side. I will be back to my regular uploads very soon! I promise! In the meantime I will be giving my blog a serious revamp in regards to the theme (just looking for the perfect one!) and hopefully get a current favourites post up as my "come back" into the world of blogging.

I really appreciate every single person who takes the time to read my blog and checks back in to see if I've uploaded again. Please feel free to follow me on any of my social media so you guys know whenever I upload and if you're interested in my daily life. I'm almost at 10,000 views which is unbelievable! I never thought my blog would get that much attetion and I'm grateful for everything so far.

I love you so much!
I will be back!!!
See you very soon!

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